河原 奈苗 Nanae Kawahara
※English version is after Japanese.
2008年 多摩美術大学グラフィックデザイン学科卒業
2010年 ロンドン芸術大学Camberwell College of Arts MA VISUAL ARTS(ILLUSTRATION)修了
Nanae Kawahara is a Japanese illustrator.
Born in 1985 and now based in Yokohama.
The illustration is created by graphical style with animals, nature and people. Mainly based in Yokohama & Tokyo and works for magazines, books, advertising and goods, also attends to art events and has exhibitions everywhere.
My favourites: Dogs, Music, Films, Animation, Mystery dramas, Showa Retro, Visiting to cafes and Walking.
BA Graphic Design at Tama Art Universiuty (Tokyo, JAPAN) in 2008
MA VISUAL ARTS (ILLUSTRATION) at Camberwell College of Arts (a part of University of the Arts London, UK) in 2010
《作業環境 / Skills》
アナログ/ By hands: アクリルガッシュや色鉛筆 / Acrylics and colour pencils
デジタル / Digital tools: Adobe Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, Photoshop Fresco (iPad pro)
《受賞歴 / Awards》
2023 第228回The Choice (ザ・チョイス)水戸部衣功さんの審査 最終選考
2017 きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅデビュー5周年企画KPP LOGO CONTEST 12月度優秀賞
2014 American Illustration 33 Chosen
2013 American Illustration 32 Chosen
2006 ターナー株式会社ACRYL AWARD 学生部門入賞
▶︎展示・イベント歴 / Exhibitions & Events I attended:
ロンドンにいた2010〜2012年頃に、Brick Lane Market、Spitalfields Market、BUST magazine craftacularなど出展を行っていました。日本へ帰国後は2012〜2019年までデザインフェスタに数回出展、2015年以降はコミティアに出展しております。また展示会にも出展、詳しくはブログにて:https://nanaekawahara.blogspot.com/
I often attended to Brick Lane Market, Spitalfields Market, BUST magazine craftacular during I was living in London from 2010 to 2012. After I went back to Japan, I sometimes joined to Design Festa from 2012 to 2019, and have attended to COMITIA from 2015. Also you can check other things including exhibitions on my blog: https://nanaekawahara.blogspot.com/
PHOTOS : https://nanaekawahara.tumblr.com/tagged/exhibition
▶︎SNSなど / Others:
Instagram, Threads, and Bluesky, also more links here:
▶︎エージェント・イラストレーター登録サイトなど / Agency & Members:
▶︎SHOPについて / Details of my illustration items on: SHOP
▶︎Media which I was featured / メディア掲載: